Busy week next week.
Meetings meetings meetings.
Tests tests tests and one quiz.
Runs runs runs.
Practicals practicals practicals.
Canossian Saints' Day.
Tutorials tutorials tutorials.
Amanda Loy.
Soccer Match.
Tuition tuition tuition.
And then you said something.
And then it doesn't seem so difficult to survive next week.
Childhood Lovers;
I hope my mom ordered the A&F Deborah shirt in navy. Pleasepleaseplease. I went back to the Abercrombie and Fitch site, and I looked at the shirt again. And I looked at my account, and they said that top in my size is sold out. And you guessed it, I was this close to tears. I hope my mom ordered it before it got sold out. Or else, I think I won't be speaking till I find a nice shirt to replace that shirt ):
Being a teenager is like, being a kid and an adult at the same time. And for us teenagers, it is almost impossible. Think typical, obviously. It's just how our parents always say, we're sixteen, and we're all grown up, but they treat us like toddlers. Ironic, is it not? I mean, how can someone be all matured and be treated like a kid? It's so difficult to be a teenager. What's more, in such a stressful and competitive society, who wants to spend their youth studying for PSLE, O' Levels, and then maybe, A' Levels? Oh my goodness, please. Goodness Gracious.
School has been rather painful. Or maybe, that's because I was in pain, physically. Taekwondo, and then morning runs, and then P.E. Chinese New Year Celebration, was like a run around thing. Oh my goodness. I should really slow down huh? My legs have been crying since wednesday. Not literally, but yeah. Especially when I sit and stand. Funny thing is, after I greet the teacher, I will sit {OUCHHH}, and then the teacher for the next lesson comes in, I have to stand again {OUCHHH}. WELLLLL.
Gotta go, lotsa test next week.
Ciao, wish me luck.
Anne, take a leap of faith.
Childhood Lovers;
ANNE: OMG. I LOVE the A&F Deborah shirt.
DEEN: Is it Deborah or Zebra?
ANNE: Zebra's don't MOOOOO.
Laughoutloudddddd. HAHAHAHAHA.
11 more days to Mother Tongue Mid-Years.
20 more days to the March Holidays
21 more days to SWEET SIXTEEN (:
68 more days to MYE.
214 days to 'O' Levels. &$*# #^.
SYF's coming too.
And I'm only looking forward to one.
And I thought I would never feel that way again.
Childhood Lovers;

Anne's goodie goodie friend turns sweet sixteeeeeen today!
Denise, commonly known as Deen who simply adores green.
I remember how my father used to make fun of you whenever you came over for a sleepover. He called you Chan Mei Mei. HAHAHAHA.
Andandand, remember the landslides, and how we dramatised this super dramatic scene, about two lovers who couldn't be together because of a guy called Mark? And I was the stoopid landslide? HAHAHAHA.
And remember how we freaked out in one of the sleepovers that we used colour pencils to make crosses around the room?
And remember laughing for hours at Mr Lunchbox Head? OMG. We spent 2 hours on the dinner table, because we couldn't finish our food, because we just kept laughing. And how you spat the jelly all over my kitchen sink because you burst into laughter when I said something stoopid? HAHAHA.
And with all that fun for 6 years, the stoopid cold war came in Secondary One. Stewpid, very stewpid. And then after one year of the cold war, my great friend made the first move, which gave me a great shock on a Sunday morning. And now, she's my super duper good friend. The one I share Pastamania's very delicious Banana Dessert Pizza, and ice cream, and fries, and my laughter and my tears.
P.S I want a sleepover soooooon :D
Childhood Lovers;
BREAKING NEWS: I'm learning taekwondo, and tonight's my first lesson.
All of you, close your mouth! Blink, your eyes are not playing tricks on you. I am going to learn taekwondo. HAHAHA. I'm kinda excited, but imagine, I'll be learning with little kids. HAHA, but I think I'll do fine, I don't even think anyone will notice the difference la.
Okay, bye! I wanted to blog something I was thinking about, but I shall not. It's in a totally different mood.
Childhood Lovers;
After last night's long talk, I've decided to go easy on myself, go one step at a time, slowly. So this morning, I told myself, that I had to really slow down and go easy.
But what did I see myself do during the day, "HURRY ANNE. Time is running out, and what have you accomplished? Nothing."
And then I got home, went online, read some emails, and although you don't have to know this, but I had the sudden need to go to the toilet.
So I obviously went to the bathroom, and then as I washing my hands, I saw this girl on the mirror. Guess what I saw? I saw this girl, with dark rings around her eyes, super huge eyebags, and the skin on her legs, were like those of a dried up prune. And then, her forehead, had read small little read dots, which are clear signs of a pimple outbreak. Looked closely at her nose, EEW, blackheads. She comed her hair, and as she did so, she saw strands of white hair. She smiled to see how she looked better with a smile. And if you're thinking that just by smiling, she would look like a happy girl, overpowering those signs of stress and ageing, think again. She looked like a girl, pretending to have all the energy in the world, when she knows her battery's already low. It was almost as if the words, "Stressed" and "Tired" were written on her face. Very, very ugly. And then I realised that girl was me.
I've got to get my strong faith back, it's beginning to go.
Childhood Lovers;
And then, she left.
I woke up today, not exactly in the best of mood, because of the very bad week, and what happened last night. I think my mom was somewhat PMS-ing, and she was screaming at me, because she thought I was rushing her, when I was not. GEEEEE, it made me cry. It was as if she didn't care about how I would feel. I told her how I felt through sms, cause I didn't think that it would be the right time to talk to her, when we're both steaming with anger. ACKKKK. Went down to Orchard, hoping to shop, till she told me I was only there to send my iPod for servicing, and yes, it died AGAIN. Soon after, my parents and I went for tea, before they sent me to Khatib, to take a bus to Changi Airport. Met up with Chrystal to see Miss Thanabal off.
ANNE: Do want me to tell her anything? No message, or anything?
Yiggie: Tell her to be more productive.
ANNE: {stares at SMS, shock, and uh-ified.} UH, in terms of career, or in terms of babies? LOL. HAHA. FUNNNY.
Yiggie: Let her decide for herself.
I was kinda reluctant to go, because Chrystal only did a research on it, so I wasn't exactly too sure. But I obviously went anyway. And then, we stared at the Departure Telly, but they never seemed to show her flight. We didn't even know which Terminal. And then, we went to this big board, and then we saw her flight. Oh. Chrystal had this thought, that Miss Thanabal could have gone in 5 hours earlier to shop. We panicked, and then we decided to call Miss Thanabal to see if she was still accessible, and we decided to hunt her down. HAHA, we were stalkers, professional. Finally, we spotted Miss Thanabal, and we tried not to be spotted by her, but then she saw me, and I was like, OH, LOOK AWAY LOOK AWAY! And then she gave the look. We were supposed to go for dinner with her, but we knew that would put me and Chrystal in a really awkward position, cause she was with her family. So we decided to meet her at the gate instead. With the dialogue on top, that I told Chrystal, we decided to get Miss Thanabal a magazine, YOUNG PARENTS. I'm pretty sure it would help her decide on whether to get one or more, since she's been asking us how it feels as the only child, as compared to those with siblings. Funnnnnny. And then she went through the glass doors, and BYEEEEE. As how Chrystal have describled, "Your eyes has a tinge of sadness, and they're red" But I didn't cry, which was kind of an improvement. I mean, I cry every year, on the last day I spend with my relatives, as if it's almost a practice, it's like even if I don't cry, I will just cry somehow la. It's probably the saddest thing that could ever happen in one year. And then a whole series of questions came along. But I think Chrystal gave me the answers.
I just watched A Ring of Endless Light. I cried when the grandfather died. Because I couldn't imagine how it will be like to lose a loved one, much worse, my grandfather. Oh gosh, getting emotional, so I shall not continue. Now, bye.
I'm sorry to be back with such an entry.
Childhood Lovers;